Acknowledging your sources when referring to someone else's work in your assignments is integral to academic integrity, and failure to do so could get you into big trouble.
The Library's Referencing Guides cover the basic requirements of each referencing style, and provide examples for the most commonly used reference types.
The Library's Referencing Guides cover the basic requirements of each referencing style, and provide examples for the most commonly used reference types.
Most of the time these guides will probably be sufficient for you to consult when referencing your assignments. However, please consult one of the
following if you require a more comprehensive source:
following if you require a more comprehensive source:
- Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for APA style
- The AGPS Style manual for authors, editors and printers for Harvard
- Citing Medicine for Vancouver style
- Australian Guide to Legal Citation
EndNote and RefWorks

references and create bibliographies or reference lists in a wide variety of referencing styles.

Please ask your Liaison Librarian if you're interested in knowing more about EndNote, or would like to organise a demonstration or workshop for a group of your classmates.