Friday, January 28, 2011

Videos in Clinical Medicine

A great range of videos in clinical medicine is available for viewing through the Library's subscription to New England Journal of Medicine. Find this under N on the Library's A-Z list of databases, or follow this link. This screenshot shows where to find the videos on the NEJM website. The following videos are currently available:
  1. Arterial puncture for blood gas analysis *NEW*
  2. Tympanocentesis in children with acute otitis media
  3. Catheterization of the urethra in male children
  4. Clinical evaluation of the knee
  5. Diagnosing otitis media - otoscopy and cerumen removal
  6. Ultrasound-guided internal jugular vein cannulation
  7. Endometrial biopsy
  8. Ankle-brachial index for assessment of peripheral arterial disease
  9. Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy
  10. Blood-pressure measurement
  11. Basic splinting techniques
  12. Peripheral intravenous cannulation
  13. Umbilical vascular catherterization
  14. Placement of a femoral venous catheter
  15. Cricothyroidotomy
  16. Female urethral catheterization
  17. Examination of the larynx and pharynx
  18. Central venous catheterization - subclavian vein
  19. Abscess incision and drainage
  20. Chest-tube insertion
  21. Positive-pressure ventilation with a face mask and a bag-valve device
  22. Pelvic examination
  23. Central venous catheterization
  24. Orotracheal intubation
  25. Paracentesis
  26. Basic laceration repair
  27. Thoracentesis
  28. Lumbar puncture
  29. Male urethral catheterization
  30. Arthrocentesis of the knee
  31. Nasogastric intubation
  32. Placement of an arterial line