Thursday, March 8, 2012

Before you submit your manuscript to a publisher remove the EndNote field codes

If you intend to submit your paper for publication, it’s advisable to remove the EndNote field codes from the document, as these are likely to interfere with the software used by the publisher.  It's also a good idea even if you're just giving it to a colleague or supervisor for a bit of editing.

To remove field codes, click on Convert Citations and Bibliography (in the Bibliography group on the EndNote tab of the ribbon) and select Convert to Plain Text.

The following message will be displayed:

Click OK, and a copy of your original document, minus the EndNote field codes, will appear in a new unsaved document window.  Save this copy under a different file name.  This is the copy you should submit to the publisher, or anyone else who may be reviewing or editing your work for you.

Retain the original copy, which still contains the field codes, in case you need to make any modifications to it at a later stage.