Thursday, October 20, 2011
TV News
Did you know that the Library provides access to the TV News database?
TV News contains Australian television news and selected documentaries from the free-to-air networks, and is listed under T on the Library's A-Z list of electronic resources.
This recent episode of Four Corners is essential viewing for anyone with an interest in contemporary medical ethics, so if you missed it click on the link provided below to watch it in the TV News database.
23-week-old babies' hopes for life: Medical science has progressed to a point where it is possible to resuscitate babies born 23 weeks after conception [online]. Four Corners (ABC1); Time: 20:30; Broadcast Date: Monday, 17th October 2011. Available from:;dn=TEX20114200948;res=TVNEWS
P.S. for those who prefer to slip a disc into the DVD player, we also have a copy of this particular episode in the Library. Find it on the shelf at RC280.B8 P75 2011 if you'd like to borrow it.
multimedia resources